Dissolve medicine in water

Graphic Journalism

Every year, large quantities of medicine residues enter surface waters in the Netherlands.

A fish’s behavioural changes may be linked to a bladder infection due to the use of medicine by people! Every year, large quantities of medicine residues enter surface waters in the Netherlands. It is difficult to determine exactly what the consequences are below the surface, but there is no doubt that an aquatic ecosystem is at risk in areas where high concentrations of medicine residues are found. How can we care for ourselves as well as our environment?

In this infographic you can explore how medicinal waste enters our natural water resources.

Design & illustration
Graphic Journalism by Eva Hilhorst

in water

Annually, 3.5 million KG of medicine is used in the Netherlands. Of these medicine, 140.000 KG eventually enters the Dutch surface waters.

Out of sight, these residues are causing harm to our aquatic ecosystems.

How can we take care of ourselves as well as our environment?






Drinkwater platform

Graphic Journalism

This project was initiated during the course Graphic Journalism by Eva Hillhorst, founder of Drawing the Times. Drawing the Times is a platform where committed graphic journalists and cartoonists worldwide publish work that informs, entertains, engages and challenges readers on global issues and local stories.
